Capstone User Tests

This week’s HRM job application milestone update involved improving user experience through participant user testing. The objective was to identify usability concerns and enhance the app’s general flow.

The testing began with one participant, assuming the role of an applicant, applying for a Software Engineer post. I directed the participant to submit a résumé in PDF format and monitor the dashboard updates. The role selection page functioned easily, enabling users to choose “Applicant” before to advancing to the signup and login pages. Upon logging in, users were sent to the applicant dashboard, which is expected to provide a list of positions for which they had applied.

During testing, we discovered a substantial bug. Following the successful application for the post, it was not displayed on the applicant’s dashboard. Despite the application process being flawless, the dashboard’s failure to update caused uncertainty. The participant anticipated finding the job under the “Jobs Applied For” section; instead, the screen persistently displayed the default message: “You haven’t applied to any jobs yet.”

Upon additional examination, I identified that the issue resides within the ApplicantDashboard.tsx component, which retrieves the applied jobs from the server but fails to update the status accurately for their display. I am presently developing a solution to enable applicants to promptly access their filed applications, thereby enhancing clarity and facilitating a more seamless experience in the future.

For my next update, I will talk about what I changed to improver the User Experience and improve the overall app. I’m looking forward to the next month as we finalize the app for production.